Recent Services
“Sin and Forgiveness”
Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels
The language of sin is foreign to the positive and encouraging faith of Unitarian Universalism. But the High Holy Days remind us that we all stray occasionally from the ideal selves we can imagine and hope to be. To deny our transgressions would be to suffer yet one more transgression against the ideal. Instead, the healthy spiritual path is to recognize where we and others fall short, and, admitting our imperfection, ask for and offer forgiveness
“Climate Revival”
Lay Led
Join us for a special service as part of the larger UU Climate Revival as we grow together, ushering in a new era with love and justice at the center of our climate actions. We will be remembering our love for earth, air, fire, water. We will be tapping into our love for people, especially those first and most impacted by climate disruption. We will be celebrating all of creation and recommitting our care and protection.
“Free and Responsible”
Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels
Our spiritual development encourages us to become more fully who we are, and to work to remove barriers so that others may fully express their true selves as well. But without limits, a radically free individual can damage a shared community. The responsible individual voluntarily curtails their freedom, creating the defined self who may actually be the true self the healthy spirit seeks.
“Beloved Community”
Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels
Our identity as individuals stands in tension with our identity as members of communities. Likewise, our membership in a single community, like a church, stands in tension with our aspiration to be connected to all others. The American Philosopher Josiah Royce gave the name "Beloved Community" to this ideal community of all persons of good will. Martin Luther King later borrowed the phrase. Jesus might have called it, "The Kingdom of God."
“Soulful Reflections on Early, Mid, and Late Stage Careers”
Chris Kirchner, Lay-Led
Last Labor Day, with so much of LA’s talent on strike, seems more than a year ago. This Labor Day service seeks to share the thrills of fulfilling careers. Three of our members will speak about their passion for their job. Sara Reardon nears the end of her graduate work and the beginning of her internship; Gustav Lindquist has all the creative work his editing lab can handle; and Michael Malone’s lifetime of journalism has taken many turns but never away from well-crafted writing.