Recent Services

Recent Services | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021

"My Spiritual Journey"

Steffi Prather



Nick D'Augosto


UU seminary student (Meadville Lombard Theological School) Nicholas D’Agosto has been graciously invited by Rev. Rick to lead this service, and he will be preaching a sermon out of the Hebrew Scriptures that is close to his heart. A central reflection of today’s theme is this: “How can living in the knowledge of our inevitable death enhance the meaning of our present moment?”

“Everyone Welcome and Included"

Pam Geller


What is inclusion and why is it important?

Inclusion in an environment is when everyone feels respected, valued, welcomed and has equal opportunities to be included and supported. Our First UU Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person reflects inclusion.

Up and Out"

Rick Hoyt-McDaniels


The sun has reached the highest point in the sky, and though summer awaits, every day, now, will be a little shorter, the nights a little longer. So too, our church year continues through the end of August, but the end of June signals the end of our program year. We close the active part of our church year and turn now to needed rest. We recognize, we bless, and we release.

“Calling In and Coming Out”

Welcoming Congregation Committee


UUCSC is thrilled to hold its annual Pride service, which will be led in part by LGBTQ+ identifying members of our congregation. As an open-minded, liberal community, UUCSC not only welcomes all people of goodwill, but strives to affirm and celebrate the unique identity of each individual. In keeping with Unitarian Universalist principles that call us to engage in a "free and responsible search for truth," our lay-led service will use music, literature, and personal anecdotes to 

“Celebrating Our Children’s Program: Religious Education & Exploration”

Rev Rick & the REE Committee


What a difference a year makes! The children of our congregation are excited to participate in this annual “looking back” and “looking forward” service to share their joy! They will jump the chalice, move with the UU words, and translate the Covenant before the REE Committee offers thanks to their volunteers, and outlines our plans for the new year. Rev Rick anchors this service with his inspiration. 

"Instrument of Peace"

John Bergquist, Driector of Music and Technology

Reverend Rick Hoyt-McDaniels, Minister

Aviva Heson, Worship Associate


Music is a universal language that brings people together.  The wonderful music that we’ve been sharing for the past year has drawn many people to UUCSC and has brought back some who have left.  This service will celebrate the impact our musicians have on our community, as well as the technology and the technicians that enable us to extend our reach beyond the Sanctuary walls. 

"U Fabulous U"

Reverend Rick Hoyt-McDaniels


The events of Pride Month honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person. So too, does the UU ritual of Flower Communion, which we will celebrate today. Bring a flower to church that represents the colorful, wonderful, unique blossom you are, and, as we parade our individuality down the center aisle to our shared altar, be prepared to lose yourself in a bouquet of beautiful community.

"Near and Far"

Reverend Rick Hoyt-McDaniels


How far away feels the goal of our UU Sixth Principle, "world community’? How distant feel the troubles elsewhere, and how near feel our country's own problems?  On this weekend, when we honor the dead who gave their lives in war, we ask what we, who are not world leaders or influential much beyond our own family or neighborhood, can do, to help create a world of "peace, liberty, and justice for all."