Artist's Corner

Featuring Vickie Vining

Poem: "Insurance"

From Vickie: 

May 5 marked thirteen years since my mother left this world. I can't believe it. I miss her and my dad so much. Here's a poem I wrote years ago:


We were so much safer then

when we were small

and our mothers were young.

There was something

in the quickness of their feet,

the watchfulness of their eye

or maybe just the smoothness of their skin

that formed a firewall

between us and any thought of mortality.

Our monsters were easily conquered

by a kiss on the forehead

and the hall light left on.

I call now to the memory of that innocence

on nights when I know too much to sleep.

I play the sound of my parents talking,

soft and distant in the front seat of the Chevy.

I wrap myself in the half-dream comfort

that only children can know

when falling asleep to the rhythms

of the engine and the bumps in the road.

All UUCSC artists are invited to display their work via this newsletter.  Share your photos, poetry, ceramics, woodwork, acrylic, oils, cartoons, whatever creative expression that feels right to you. Please submit them to Terry Hassman.